Thursday, November 15, 2012

Riders on the Storm

Getting a bit behind in my blogular posting duties these days.  Been a bit under the weather,  and had not drummed up the motivation to go and spectate at the races the last couple of weeks.  Given the reports and the SWEET little clip from Johnny D below,  It seems as if I SHOULD have gone to Sienna Lake last weekend.  Entertaining is hardly enough to describe this.  Nothing in the weather looks very cross-ish coming up this weekend,  but in spite of sunny and dry skies,  at least there is this little gem for entertainment..  Have to vote the soundtrack choice as one of the best EVER.

CycloX Sienna Lake 11/10/2012 highlights from SM35+4 race from John Deibert on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cross - Up Close

If one can't race,  go Heckle.

And since you are at the races,  just as soon invent a project.   Here you go,  Cross,  Up Close & Personal.

Cross - Up Close from Dale Riley on Vimeo.